Employee Information System

Cloud-Based Storage.
Access at Any Time.
No More Missing Data!

Bring all your organizations and employee information, records, payroll, policies and more together under one roof.

“Its your entire organization’s data collected and stored in a single, highly secure could-based location, with instant access from anywhere and at any time.”

Davitri Doerga, CEO ActionInvest

Trusted By

Explore our Employee Information System Module

Timesheet and Payroll

An integrated timesheet and payroll system that provides clarity into how each individual’s salary, deductions and tax calculations have been carried out for a selected period.

Attendance and Leave

A comprehensive system that contains all employee’s work hours and absence related data, making it highly transparent and easily accessible for both employee and employer.

Training and Development

A digital platform dedicated to storing and sorting all employee training, education and skills development data along with access to performance and progress related data.

Performance and Appraisals

A window for both employee and employer to access periodic assessments of employees, with historical data regarding various performance enhancing courses along with progress and achievements.  

Collect, sort & maintain all your organization's data in a single secure location.

Collect, sort & maintain all your organization’s data in a single secure location.

Reports in Employee Information System


of all data loss is caused by human error.


Let us show you how TechlifyHR can help streamline your employee information and database management
